We sometimes wonder whether the lady in the house is pregnant. There are some tell tale signs, but we are not exactly sure. We are dying to know because a pregnancy in the family is an exciting thing to happen. It means there will be a new member to the family. But although the signs are there, no one can really tell for sure. Sometimes, not even the lady is aware that she is pregnant - that is, until someone with experience comes along and tell her that there is a very high chance that she is carrying a baby. So what can someone with experience tell us?
Looking out for early signs of pregnancy.
For starters, there are many different types of signs that indicate a woman may be pregnant. Those who have given birth before may be able to recognize some of these symptoms.
For example, when a pregnancy is taking place, there is no period. That "thing" that comes every month did not come as expected. This is good enough reason to raise some eyebrows. But sometimes, periods may come a few days late, and this could lead to a false alarm. And for something as serious as a pregnancy, no one wants to be responsible for raising any false hopes. So what are some other signs to look out for?
You may find the woman in the house picking up strange and unusual eating habits. For example, she may start to eat dried sour plums, and you know for a fact that she doesn't usually take that. So why the sudden urge to keep taking sour plums? This may be caused by feelings of nauseaness. To stop the nausea feelings from getting into the way of daily activities, constant eating of salted or sour tidbits is required.
Also, the body of a pregnant woman undergoes some changes. For instance, hormonal levels increase, and blood pressure tend to drop. This could lead to dizzy spells (something to look out for), loss of appetite, and even mood swings. It's easy to notice dizzy spells and appetite loss, but it takes a very sensitive person to take mood swings seriously.
For example, you the woman in the house doesn't usually feel blue. But for the past few days, she has been constantly feeling down, and even go as far as losing her temper. It's very easy to be reactive and get into fights or quarrels with the lady. However, bear in mind that these mood swings may be caused by hormonal changes in the body, due to the pregnancy. It's always advisable to take a step back, and think about what is really causing those mood swings. If you eventually discover that the woman in the house is pregnant, you may be jumping for joy!
It is tough for a woman to be carrying a baby. So it helps to have supportive and understanding family members around. That will make the pregnancy easier to bear. A healthy mother will have a better chance of carrying a healthy baby. So give the woman in the house all the support you can!
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16 years ago
Thanks for posting this informative content now i know what are the signs of pregnancy. But to be sure use elisa kits or try to have check up. thanks for sharing this you have a very wonderful blog. goodbless and more power.
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